2016 ACADEMIC OASIS/IAABR - MIAMI BEACH International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia
Conference in-person 2nd to 5th January 2016 MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, United States of America Website: http://www.academicoasis.org/miamibeach/ Contact person: Academic OASIS/IAABR CONFERENCE BOARD The timing and location of this event allow celebrating the New Year while blending research and sunshine! Get published and have fun! Tracks: Business, Economics, Education, Engineering, IT, Law, Politics, Medical Studies, Psychology, Social Studies Organized by: Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies-Academic OASIS jointly with International Academy for Advancement of Business Research-IAABR Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 10th December 2015 Check the event website for more details. View all events from this organizer.