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SOAS GLOCAL and Wenner-Gren Foundation Workshop: Applying for an Engaged Research Grant



27th to 27th September 2024
Online, Other

Website: https://glocal.soas.ac.uk/wg-workshops/#tab_workshop-1---23-feb,-2024n
Contact person: Nhan Huynh

Join the Foundation’s president, Danilyn Rutherford, and her colleagues at the Foundation, for a workshop designed for applicants for the Engaged Research Grant. Reg: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_moHrsl_8SD-8zUDUJE4qyA#/registration

Organized by: Wenner-Gren Foundation and GLOCAL Unit at SOAS University of London
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 26th September 2024

Check the event website for more details.

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